Monterail for


 BUILDING innovative software for industry leaders

Now it's easy to find good developers and reliable software agencies


but if you are looking for a partner that has spent the last 15 years
ensuring its software delivery process is efficient and effective,
here's what we can do for you


About Monterail


We continuously monitor and gather feedback from all of our clients in order to improve our services and adapt the delivery process. This way, we can ensure that our collaboration is satisfactory to you and future clients.

Fast delivery

We want you to get your app out there as soon as possible and gather feedback from your users. Thanks to the MVP approach you’ll save money and time, and the scope will be under control.


We discuss priorities, longterm plans, and gather feedback on regular meetings and shared communication channels with all the stakeholders. Every week, we review detailed timesheets to talk about budget, costs, risks, and opportunities.


nps in 2023


delivered projects


Team members


years on the market

our clients

Proud to be partnered with the best

Main markets


Western Europe

  (Germany, the United Kingdom,       and Switzerland)

Middle East and South Africa

the United States

• Fintech

• Retail
• Medtech

• HRtech

• Proptech

Project overview

Executive summary


As this is the very first iteration of the product, we assume simplified and quick-to-develop solutions wherever possible within the MVP scope, prioritizing time to market. 

Our development approach is split into two key phases:

1/ Core application development

- get the basics up and running

- including user accounts, subscription management, and an admin panel.

2/ External integrations

-connecting your app to an external Property Management System (PMS) - booking sync, and an AI API

-adding advanced features to gain competitiveness of Guestreply over available solutions .

Guest reply AI

Project goal: Creating an MVP of a dashboard for property owners to manage AI generated responses from the guests

App: Web responsive

Language: English



Frontend: Vue (alternatively React)

Backend: Node.js (alternatively Ruby on Rails)

The proposed tech-stack is designed to enable the use of ready-made components and libraries, optimizing the overall development process


Estimate premises

Pre-requisites - What we need from you:

  • Complete UI designs

  • Documented API endpoints or high readable self-explanatory source code for AI module

  • Access to example property data for testing purposes



  • Initial implementation assumes simplified functionalities when possible

  • Developers have access to consultations with designers throughout the implementation (recommended)

  • AI model fine tuning and setup is covered by the Client’s developer

  • Development estimate should be reviewed based on the ready designs

Development scope

Core application

External integrations



Onboarding and user accounts

  • Backend <> Frontend communication setup

  • Creation of components library

  • Standard email and password registration

    • Password policy, reset password, email wording etc.

  • Login

  • Basic onboarding - collecting and storing some user’s data (First name etc.)

Project set-up

  • Conduct kick-off meetings with the team and the client

  • Create initial project backlog

  • Setting up development environments: staging, production 

  • Configuring project github repositories

  • Configuring CI (includes performing unit tests, linters, autodeploy)

  • Setting up PM tools (JIRA, time-tracking tool) and communication channels (Slack)

  • Solutioning together with Architect

BE: 0.5 week

FE: 0.5 week


BE: 0.5 week

FE: 1 week

All estimates are provided in weeks of work for one developer

Development estimate should be revised once the designs are complete


Core application


  • User subscription management: select the plan, select payment method

  • Stripe integration:

    • Configuration: Free trial period, available subscription plans, payment methods

    • Internal model in our system of subscription and payment events (history of events related to subscription)

    • Case handling: Payment failure, Subscription expiration

  • using Stripe Subscription API, as it gives a lot of benefits: managing subscription from Stripe Dashboard, configuring discount cards, trail period etc. in Stripe Dashboard (outside the app) and ease of integration thanks to Webhook mechanism

  • Using Stripe customer portal over implementing some features from scratch and fetching data from Stripe: showing invoices, showing history of transactions, giving the ability to change payment method, notifying subscribers about upcoming invoices or payment problems etc.


  • Create property details form: configuration of all data fields, it’s types and restrictions, simplified image gallery

  • FAQ: highlight empty fields, user can populate missing data after PMS integration, list of read-only and editable fields from PMS (fetched from external API)

  • Preparing database structure for properties and related entities

  • Providing REST API for frontend application to fetch/update entity’s properties

Admin Panel

  • Initially assume stripe panel for users data and subscriptions info, later to be replaced by separate tool once more features are required

BE: 2 weeks

FE: 3-4 weeks

BE: 1-2 weeks

FE: 1 week

BE: 0.5 week

FE: 0.5 week

External integrations


Core application

Integration with the

PMS - BookingSync

  • Analyse PMS API documentation and its behaviour, identification of missing data

  • Initial integration with booking sync (smily) (API documentation)

    • authorization (OAuth), account linking

    • fetch properties and their details

      • Data mapping (150-170 fields)

      • Preparing views in the app to show mapped data in desired way

    • fetch property availability

    • Fetch photos from BookingSync without managing it on our side

  • Refresh the data

    • on demand instead of constantly using webhook

  • disconnect PMS

BE: 2-6 weeks

External integrations


AI API integration

  • Two way communication via REST API: send properties details and conversations, receive responses to conversations

BE: 0.5 week

Core application


  • integrate with central inbox from pms

    • list of conversations (filter, search)

    • conversation view

  • Response

    • approve/ edit/ reject AI suggested response

  • select AI response option: autopilot, pre-approval, none

BE: 1.5-2.5 weeks

FE: 1-2 weeks

External integrations


Tune AI responses

  • AI fine-tuning options

    • select tone of conversation

BE: 0.5 week

FE: 0.5-1 week

Core application

Further PMS's integration

Duration highly depends on the actual PMS, its API documentation, available endpoints and data similarity to Guest Reply data structure.

  • API Documentation review

  • Data mapping

  • Inbox integration

AI review responder

  • Assumed to be done via PMS integration, views possibly similar to Inbox section

  • Fetch reviews with details and guest comment from PMS

    • list of reviews (filter, search)

    • detailed view

    • for MVP no mapping of detailed rating (sub-categories), only main rating and text comment to be fetched

  • Response

    • approve/ edit/ reject AI suggested response

    • AI response tone settings

  • select AI response option: autopilot, pre-approval, none

Admin Panel

  • Enhancement of the admin panel

  • Additional reporting

External integrations


Budget estimate

Team composition

  • 1 Mid FE developer

  • 1 Mid BE developer, 0.5 Sr BE developer

  • 0.4 QA

  • 0.3 PM

GuestReply MVP - budget estimate

2 months of development

3 months of development

56k EUR

83k EUR

Core application

External integrations

37.2k EUR

18.8k EUR

45.5k EUR

37.5k EUR


6-7 weeks

3-6 weeks

Implementation Case Studies

Case study


Revolutionizing employee recognition and reward


Cooleaf is a web and mobile application revolutionizing the approach to employee recognition and rewards. Operating on a highly competitive HR tech market, it managed to mark its presence in the B2B sector.

web development

mobile development

product design

Sneak peek into the project

We have had the pleasure of maintaining a 10-year technical partnership with Cooleaf throughout various stages of their product design and development.


Thanks to 2 days of detailed design workshop, the client was able to create a completely novel idea for the product. Within just two months, Cooleaf received a Minimum Viable Product and could immediately begin to look for market fit.


After we provided an MVP, Cooleaf came to us with a half-finished mobile app with hardto-maintain legacy code. By switching to the Ionic framework and rewriting the native codebase, the app gained a fresh look and feel.









Co-Founder at Cooleaf

Professional and beautiful design


It took Monterail six weeks to deliver us a beautifully designed app for iOS and Android. I didn’t even know it was possible! Each stage of the development was conducted professionally and in a timely manner: from the concept, through the implementation to final steps.

Case study


ruby on rails



Case study


From innovative idea to 7,000 users per month and growing


Seat Unique is an innovative marketplace platform founded in 2018 in the UK to fill the gap in online access to premium tickets and hospitality packages for sport, music and cultural events.

web development

product design

Sneak peek into the project

We needed to deliver the basic product that will support huge traffic volumes as fast as possible. Soon after the release of the app, we added a Seller Tool for suppliers, which allows them to manage their own events and ticket packages.


At this point, Seat Unique is capable of providing fans of live events with premium ticket and hospitality packages from official vendors, at good prices, and available for purchase instantly online.





years of cooperation


monterail team members


Sales & Marketing Director

and Co-Founder at Seat Unique

Transparency and security


We love the fact that at every stage of project development, we’re perfectly aware of what’s going on. We see the achieved milestones, keep track of the budget and stay updated on the timeline. That transparency gives us a sense of security.

Ruby on rails 

Case study



Let’s stay
in touch!

Olga Chala

Senior Digital Consultant


Single Point of Contact

Grzegorz Hajdukiewicz

Chief Delivery Officer

Lead Expert - Delivery

Hubert Białęcki

Head of Technology

Lead Expert - Technology

Monterail for GuestReply [Bookinghost]

By Monterail

Monterail for GuestReply [Bookinghost]

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